About Me!

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Hi fellow bloggers for EDU 776! We will be learning, sharing, reflecting, and discussing together over the course of the next eight weeks online. It is important to get to know each other a bit so we can learn with and from each other. Let me start by tell you a little about myself.

My name is Michelle Bogdan, and I am in my first year of the Master of Arts in Secondary Education program. I completed my undergraduate course work, also here at Dominican, in natural science with a concentration in health science in 2017. In my years studying here, I have developed and deepened my passion and curiosity for the science field, specifically biology. My junior year, I decided to become a teaching assistant for general biology, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology. Through being a teaching assistant and actively working in the biology field with students, I was lucky enough to discover a love for knowledge, learning, and teaching. Although unexpected, this is how I came to pursue a career in teaching.
DU Website

I have never had my own class to teach, but I did dip my toes in for the first time last fall. So far, I have completed 25 hours of observation in the classroom, and I have taught one lesson in genetics to high school freshmen. While that may not seem like much and I know I have so much more to go, I learned so much. I got a glimpse of what I truly want to accomplish with and for my students as an educator. This summer I plan to get my substitute teaching license so I can get more hands on experience in teaching this upcoming fall.

Now for some fact facts...

I have been working at the same grocery store for the last 8 years. Constantly being a full time student, I needed a consistent part time job and was lucky to find that.

I enjoy cooking; I'm a foodie that loves to try new recipes. I also find it fun yet relaxing.

I absolutely love dogs, and I have two of my own. A 12 year old Yorkshire Terrier named Missy, and 4 year old Labradoodle named Copper.

I love being outdoors and getting active! I also enjoy road trips; I often try and combine the two.

I love spending time with my family and friends. I have one older sister and a niece, 8,  and nephew, 5. I am very family orientated, and I try to spend as much time with them as I can because life just gets so busy.

My Family 

I hope you all feel like you know a little about myself, and I look forward to getting to know you all!


  1. Hello Michelle,

    Nice to you meet you, I enjoyed reading your post. That is so interesting the areas that you love and would be interested in teaching. Microbiology was one of my favorite classes, I still remember it 5 years ago due to the teacher and the activities we did in the class, it was fascinating. I love that you are a foodie and like to try new recipes. The RDs and I at FFC create seasonal recipe books for our clients, that I would love to share. I look forward to learning from you and getting to know you this semester! Have a good Tuesday! :)

    1. Sarah, are those recipe books online anywhere? I'd love to see one!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    It’s difficult to manage school and work, but it’s amazing that you’re able to do both! Food has always been a love of my life. I pursued Food and Nutrition after I graduated from high school, and still am pursuing it to complete my Master’s in Science in Nutrition. With my hectic schedule, I’ve always found it relaxing to eat good food, with good company and to explore nature.

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I loved learning that you love dogs just as much as I do! I enjoy taking the dogs on walks and on hikes however, my dogs are huskies and do not like the heat so much! I understand how hard it is to make time for family, in addition to teaching I also work at Kohl's on Sundays, so I really only have one day to get everything done. Just try the best you can to make time for them, family is everything! I look forward to reading more of your post!

  4. Michelle,
    It was fun to read your post. Since we've graduated from high school, I feel like I don't know too much about what you've been up to! We had similar experiences with kind of falling into teaching. I also had a good foundation in undergrad like you did with the sciences but then after is when I really got to delve in when I started working in a school. We have a love for dogs in common. Being outdoors with my dogs is something I love to do. Looking forward to your future posts - thanks!

  5. Michelle, this is a fantastic first post! Welcome- I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

  6. Michelle, as always I loved your attention to detail. It really makes your blog post neat and organized. I think that crafting a neat and clean look for these blogs gives the perception of who you are in real life and you nailed it! I like the idea of large photos to draw attention to them, I would encourage that to make them center focus depending on your display. Again, awesome job!

    Take care,

    Chris Cicinelli

    1. Thanks Chris! I have never blogged before, so I really do feel like I was able to make it my own with my personality and detail. Thanks for noticing!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Michelle! I enjoyed getting to learn more about who you are and how you have come to find a passion for teaching. It sounds like you have a lot of things in the works this summer with school and getting your substitute teacher license, while working at the grocery store. Hopefully this still leaves time for cooking up some of your favorite recipes :) Like you, I find the whole process of cooking up recipes a fun experience that can help relieve some of the stresses after a long day. I look forward to getting to know you more this semester through your blog posts!


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