Digital Tattoo

What is a Digital Tattoo?

Data, Security, Keyboard, Computer, Laptop, Portable
A digital tattoo is your permanent online presence. Social media and other online sites/activities contribute to creating your permanent online image! There may be things about yourself that you don't want to be public on the internet and there may be things you are okay with sharing; everyone has a different level of comfort with what they share online. However, it is important to know what information is out there about you to protect yourself and your online image. 

Data Mining!

Data mining is a process for finding available, public information that is on the internet about yourself. 

Google Search Results 
I started my own data mine by first using Google search engine and typing in "Michelle Bogdan". TIP: always use quotations when searching your name to ensure accuracy. On the first page of the search, the only thing that related to me was my facebook profile. When I clicked on the facebook link, there was a ton of people with my name, so unless you know what I looked like you wouldn't be able to identify me among the other people. The rest of the results on the first page were so many people with my same name associated with LinkedIn, social workers, and therapist, none of which are me. On the second page of the results, I was able to find my public Twitter page in which you can see details of my personal life including the school attended and the profession I am working towards. Lastly, I was able to find the Dominican University commencement program which listed my name and graduation status.  
Google Search Results

Next, I typed in my full name, "Michelle Rodica Bogdan". The only other thing I was able to find was a really old freshman year high school honor roll posting in the schools newspaper. I also did a google image search and surprisingly I only found 1 personal picture from my facebook. The weird thing about that though was that it was a random picture from my facebook profile not even a profile picture of mine. Anyway, I was glad to see that my face wasn't all over google images! 

Youtube was the next search I conducted! I only found one video from 2015 that was published on youtube as part of an undergraduate seminar project. My partner had to post it, but if I didn't want it up anymore I could easily contact him and ask him to take it down, which I think I will do soon....

I also used the sites People Looker, Instant Check Mate, Been Verified, and Spokeo to search for information about myself. All these background check sites basically the same information, and some of it was even wrong.
Spokeo Search Results

Spokeo, Instant Check Mate and People looker all gave me gave me my age, the town I live in, and relatives of mine including my parents and my sister.  

BeenVerified Search Results

Been Verified game me my exact address. It also gave me an incorrect email and an old, out-of-date telephone number. 

Concerned, Content or Confused?

I was surprisingly content with my data mine! I did not think there was too much information about me available online that I wouldn't want on there. There were almost no pictures of me, no email addresses, and no correct telephone numbers available. I also didn't find my instagram account or any jobs I had previously had! The only thing I didn't really like was that my exact address is out there, but it isn't surprising to me because I have so many online accounts that require my address. Also, I was sort of bummed I couldn't find my online blog! I even tried searching my username. This is one thing I would want people to be able to find on me. 

Student Awareness 

I do think it is extremely important that students learn these skills of data mining. Student need to be aware that there is a permanent online presence that can follow them around the rest of their lives. Also, there could be dangers associated with too much personal information out there. The goal would be for students to know the facts and be made aware of the benefits and implications of having digital tattoo so they could make their own decisions about how they conduct their online image. 


  1. Michelle,
    I love that the format of this blog post started out as kind of a guide to digital footprints and data mining! Very cool. Also, I agree about teaching students online awareness. I think that a lot of our students think that the internet is a place to be free - and it is a great tool - but we also know that in order to be smart for their future, we have to teach them how to navigate it!

  2. Thanks for a detailed description of your data dig. I, too am surprised your blog didn't surface sooner. Do you see yourself trying to build it more professionally?

  3. I really like how you mentioned that it is important to conduct a data mining search in order to "protect yourself and your online image". When I was conducting my search I was mostly thinking about my online image, but protecting myself is another important factor that I need to take into consideration. I agree with you on the fact that I did not find as much information as I thought I would have. However, I was able to find my blog which I was very happy about! I hope to use blogger and my website as a way to build my online image.

  4. Michelle,
    I love how you posted a bunch of screenshots of all the website that you searched your name and information on. A bunch of these website I never even heard about or though to look on. When reading your posted I decided to go back and look on a few website. Thanks for sharing all the information

  5. Hi Michelle,

    I thought your blog was well organized and aesthetically pleasing as always! I too was using instant checkmate. I was wondering how you liked this technology platform for searching and finding your info on your data mine? I personally thought it was easy and straightforward. Let me know your thoughts.

    Great Job!

  6. Interesting blog post. Really cool that you found information from high school, I tend to block those years out, ha! I hope more students can read this and understand the consequences of what they post online that they don't want people to see.


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