Social Media Dive!

Why Use Social Media?!

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I feel like one of the main questions surrounding the rise in technology in classrooms is "Why use social media"? Administration, educators, parents, and even students may question why we need to bring technology and social media into the classroom.  I believe that is a very valid question that deserves a meaningful, insightful answer. Well, there is a huge rise in tech in the classroom and it is clear that social media is here to stay. We are living in a time where people are able to connect, share, and learn from one another through social media, and these are skills we want our students to learn in order to keep up and progress in their educational and future careers. 

7 Reasons To Use Social Media In Your School

Article by David Geurin  

This specific article caught my attention because it attempts to address the question "why use social media"? It is extremely important to give your audience, whether it is administration, educators, parents, or students the purpose behind using social media in your classroom! Explaining the purpose can help people understand the intentions/reasons, intended outcomes, and future directions. It can help make people that are hesitant with using social media more willing to learn incorporate social media use. For people who are already on board with using social media, it can provide different perspectives and provide new ideas.

David Geurin provided 7 reasons why your school should use social media in the classroom. All 7 are great points that can be discussed, questioned, and expanded upon.

Reason 1
Engage and Connect with parents and the community! Social media provides an outlet to allow you to share great things that are happening inside the classroom and share it with parents and the community so everyone can be involved in the learning. 

Reason 2
Share student work! Students work hard to create things based on their learning and their perspectives. Share their work so other people can learn with them and appreciate their work.

Reason 3 
Teach digital citizenship including digital tattoos! We need to teach our students to be safe and responsible when using social media as well as the benefits and dangers associated.  

Reason 4
Connections!! Making connections across the globe incorporates different perspectives and cultures for our students that can deepen their learning and understanding! It also allows them to share their opinions and engage in meaningful conversations. 

Reason 5
We want to prepare kids for the future. Social media is here to stay and continues to grow. We want our students to have the appropriate skills to keep up and succeed using technology and social media for future opportunities. 

Reason 6
It can be an outlet to promote positive messages. Social media definitely has a dark side, such as cyber bullying, so it is not surprising so many people may be hesitant incorporating it. Educators have the opportunity to try and create positive messages and experiences related to social media. Social media has a permanent presence among students so we need to embrace it, guide them, and model positivity.

Reason 7
We have the ability to connect with experts! Using only one textbook to get all your information can be extremely bland. We now have access to endless new resources that can be investigated and utilized in ever discipline!   

David did a great job or explaining 7 reasons why schools should use social media in the classrooms.  
Are there any reasons you agree with or disagree with? 
Are there any reasons you would question, challenge, or expand upon? 

We need to have these conversations in order to make sure we are properly utilizing social media in the classroom and are constantly adapting in order to best benefit our students. 


  1. Great article! School districts are becoming much more open about using social media to tell their stories. It's been fun to watch so many administrators get on board.


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